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 Rafael Lastra

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5 participantes

Mensajes : 2555
Fecha de inscripción : 06/12/2012

Rafael Lastra Empty
MensajeTema: Rafael Lastra   Rafael Lastra Icon_minitimeMar 25 Jun 2019, 23:27

No sé si os acordais pero hace un tiempo anduvo por el foro.

No es propaganda eh? solo curiosidad. Por casualidad he encontrado su página web:
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Recuerdo que decia que habia diseñado una superpuesta con el perfil más bajo del mercado.

Superpuesta "Matias":
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Yuxtapuesta "Adriana" por lo visto en proceso de diseño y fabricación... año 2017:
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Mensajes : 2555
Fecha de inscripción : 06/12/2012

Rafael Lastra Empty
MensajeTema: Re: Rafael Lastra   Rafael Lastra Icon_minitimeMar 25 Jun 2019, 23:33

Por lo visto la ultima vez que anduvo por el foro fue en enero de este año:

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Mensajes : 2555
Fecha de inscripción : 06/12/2012

Rafael Lastra Empty
MensajeTema: Re: Rafael Lastra   Rafael Lastra Icon_minitimeMar 25 Jun 2019, 23:36

En esta web hablan de la superpuesta:

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Mensajes : 680
Fecha de inscripción : 17/03/2016

Rafael Lastra Empty
MensajeTema: Re: Rafael Lastra   Rafael Lastra Icon_minitimeMiér 26 Jun 2019, 15:57

Me gusta, la forma del picado no.
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Vieja Gloria
Vieja Gloria

Mensajes : 2664
Fecha de inscripción : 18/09/2011
Edad : 67

Rafael Lastra Empty
MensajeTema: Re: Rafael Lastra   Rafael Lastra Icon_minitimeMiér 26 Jun 2019, 17:44

A este Sr. le conoci en Éibar , creo que se a equivocado de país y eso que a vivido en USA , perdonar las faltas de ortorafia que es el puto portátil, pero no se acaba de dar cuenta que España es diferente .

Salio con una superpuesta de muy buen diseño al ser el ingeniero pero en calibre 28 , luego le vacilaron con la culata en la zona de Alicante y como siempre termino donde Angel Mazorriaga dando la chapa porque Angel aguanta lo que le echen. .

En España ya no triunfan ni los cerdos de pura raza y lo dio yo , que si me hubiera echo caso una empresa de Éibar igual estaría abierta con un prototipo de escopeta de combate policial que no necesitaba ni erramental , de la Star que os voy a contar que no aya dicho ya , a bronca diaria con el ingeniero pero es lo que ay .

Sr. Lastra vuelva a Usa o pruebe en Turquia .

Sio al corriente en el foro.
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Mensajes : 21152
Fecha de inscripción : 19/03/2011
Edad : 57

Rafael Lastra Empty
MensajeTema: Re: Rafael Lastra   Rafael Lastra Icon_minitimeMiér 26 Jun 2019, 21:35

sin comentarios bla bla bla por desgracia para todos los amantes de las armas, en españa mision casi casi imposible, eso si huevos le echa muchos. una pena la verdad


14-12-2020  D.  ENRIQUE CASTRO  -  BILOAYE D.E.P

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Mensajes : 2555
Fecha de inscripción : 06/12/2012

Rafael Lastra Empty
MensajeTema: Re: Rafael Lastra   Rafael Lastra Icon_minitimeMiér 26 Jun 2019, 22:59

Muchas gracias Cooper y Viti. La verdad es una pena, tiene buena pinta esta superpuesta.

Copio y pego de la web que hace referencia a esta escopeta, no sea que desaparezca la página tambien:
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The word new has been a little overused by marketing people, but this shotgun deserves the title. The creation of a highly qualified engineer, the new Lastra (the name of its inventor) offers a number of features that put this shotgun in a class of its own and might just make it a game changer.


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Lowering the profile has been the holy grail of OU design since the first commercially viable guns hit the market. English makers Boss and Woodward are usually credited with being the first to conceive of splitting the cross pin, turning it into bifurcated pins, and moving the lock up to the breech face and not under the barrels. Credit is also due to that most neglected genious, William Baker, who employed trapezoid shoulders and recesses to achieve the same aim, to lower the profile of the OU. The trapezoid shoulders later became a Beretta standby.

To quantify the term, low guns today have a profile that measures about 63 millimeters from the bottom of the action to the top of the breech, where the barrels join the action. The Swedish Caprinus is the lowest profile I have ever measure, at 56 millimeters.


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Inventor Rafael Lastra states:

«Priority 1 for this design was to get the action height down to the absolute minimum. This first one is in 28 gauge and is only 47mm high, 20 = 50mm, 16 = 52mm and the 12 comes in at 54.5mm, which I believe are the lowest on the market.»

To get these measurements in some perspective it is useful to compare them to side-by-side dimensions. My Cogswell and Harrison 410 has a breech depth of 41 millimeters, an Italian best boxlock 55 millimeters and a Westley Richards Droplock 54 millimeters. These are all side by sides. A 20 gauge OU Citori in my rack measures 63 millimeters. My experimental 28 gauge side by side tops 49 millimeters.


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While losing height, the Lastra gains strength. The bifurcated pins on which the barrels turn are large diameter semi circular trunnions. The barrel hooks do not ancircle the underside of the trunnions, this saving on action depth, while gaining in strength.

Large diameter trunnions are rare. The Caprinus has them but their diameter is so large as not to count as trunnions, they are more like raceways. In the Lastra they are smaller, and I am hazarding the guess that they are easier on the assembly and disassembly of the gun.

A large measure of the strength of any OU comes from the lock up between barrels and action. The low Boss action has side recesses on the barrels which mate with corresponding lugs on the insides of the action. Most high end OUs employ this system. So does the Lastra design, with one subtle difference: the arcs are not concentric, so the lugs and recesses come into full contact only when the gun is closed. As soon as the barrels begin to move, as when the gun is being opened, the contact is broken, thus minimising wear and opening effort.

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The opening of the gun is facilitated by another design feature: the barrels move about 20 per cent of their arc before they start the cocking process of the locs. At that point in their travel they offer a more favorable hold, greater mechanical advantage and leverage for the left hand to cock the gun. That this was analysed and provision made in the design is indicative of the depth of thought that went into this OU.

Added strength is also derived from the metallurgy of this gun. The steel used is the Boehler W400 VMR, an «awesome» steel as Rafael Lastra describes it, offering great fracture resistance and compressive strength.


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Over unders have angled firing pins. The exceptions are few, mostly striker fired designs and some old Nittler designed 101s and Citoris. Angled pins are not the most reliable ingnition system.

Rafael Lastra has designed a lock which delivers a direct strike to the firing pins which in turn are at right angles to the cartridge head. To achieve this the design has one pin in the orthodox, «upright» position and the other pivoting from the top, a sort of upside down lock.

The innovation on the lock goes further. The single trigger selector works in a fore and aft motion not side to side, while it is incorporated in the safety button. Not having direct contact with the gun I cannot tell how it feels, but judging by the metal finish quality evident in the photos, I would speculate it works well.

The whole lock, including the single trigger and safety are housed in a compact casette-like unit which has just six transverse pins. A traditional sidelock has seven pins per side, with all that this entails in fitting, regulating and cost.

The Lastra will be offered in a hand detachable version and later as a full sidelock. However, the sidelock will retain the direct line relationship between hammers and firing pins. One lock will in fact have an upside down hammer to do just this!


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Rafael Lastra intends to offer his OU in all popular gauges and in two basic forms, what he calls a heavy square action and a rounded bar version. There will also be the innovative sidelock mentioned above.

Personally I like the sweeping lines of this action. To my eye it does not look at all square. The bolster especially, starting from the shell head and embracing the action sides gives the gun a dramatic, flowing line that is very pleasing. That sweeping bolster in a round bodied action must be a sight to behold!

The graceful lines are evident in the whole and not just in parts. The low profile, the raked forend iron, the alternation of curves and planes give this OU a unique look. Modern yet not at all alien. The shapes are such that it really does not need any engraving. It is a beautiful object as it is.


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Why design yet one more Over Under?

Rafael Lastra states his design objectives: «The whole point of the design is to have an over-under that handles as well as a side-by-side and specifically oriented for the game fields where instinctive shooting is the name of the game.»

Given the ultra low profile and the thought devoted to ergonomics I think the design objectives are being met. Persoanlly speaking I am impatient to see a Lastra OU up close and personal. If it has the handling of a classic SXS combined with the low profile it should offer what some high end OUs lack, liveliness. The low profile also promise low felt recoil which is always a welcome feature.

When will it appear? The first one should be ready by the end of this year (2014). Soon after the inventor intends to go into full production. When that happens my guess is that big names in the upper reaches of the OU world will have plenty to worry about. It is about time!


Rafael Lastra is a US trained engineer, specialising in control system design. Gun design is his passion and he has come to a point in his career that he can devote his full time to his passion. The Over Under is his first venture. If this refined OU counts as his «baby steps» then we can definitely expect more, lots more, from this designer.

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Mensajes : 2555
Fecha de inscripción : 06/12/2012

Rafael Lastra Empty
MensajeTema: Re: Rafael Lastra   Rafael Lastra Icon_minitimeMiér 26 Jun 2019, 23:14

Por si algún dia apareces por el foro y nos lees:
Rafael, vaya curro que te has pegado, solo diseñar la bascula y todo el piecerio.... Smile

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Y lo mismo con el grupo monogatillo:

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Ya nos podrias explicar un poco el funcionamiento de las tripas, no te vamos a copiar la patente Very Happy


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Mensajes : 680
Fecha de inscripción : 17/03/2016

Rafael Lastra Empty
MensajeTema: Re: Rafael Lastra   Rafael Lastra Icon_minitimeJue 27 Jun 2019, 12:38

Repito, me gusta mucho, eso si, la culata es mas fea que pegarle a un padre.
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Mensajes : 2555
Fecha de inscripción : 06/12/2012

Rafael Lastra Empty
MensajeTema: Re: Rafael Lastra   Rafael Lastra Icon_minitimeVie 28 Jun 2019, 00:29

Este texto del 12 noviembre de 2015 es lo ultimo que he encontrado:

Buenas a todos, os quería poner al día sobre el proyecto. Lleva 3 semanas en el banco de pruebas y no parece que tienen ganas de soltarlo, desgraciadamente. No porque ahí ningún problema técnico sino porque, bueno, España es lo que es. De todos modos, si me dicen que no, lo hare en EE.UU. donde estas cosas se hacen con la gorra. Agradezco todo el apoyo sincero que he recibido y si no oyen de mí sobre este tema en el futuro solo decir que espero lo mejor para todos y vuestras familias en este futuro próximo tan revuelto.

Aquí tenéis una de las últimas fotos que saque antes de entregarla a la GC. Espero que os guste, he metido todo lo que he tenido para llegar a esta punto con toda España en mente.

Un saludo, Rafa Lastra

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Mensajes : 680
Fecha de inscripción : 17/03/2016

Rafael Lastra Empty
MensajeTema: Re: Rafael Lastra   Rafael Lastra Icon_minitimeVie 28 Jun 2019, 12:00

Esta foto no es la de la escopeta de arriba.
Cuantas hizo?
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Vieja Gloria
Vieja Gloria

Mensajes : 2664
Fecha de inscripción : 18/09/2011
Edad : 67

Rafael Lastra Empty
MensajeTema: Re: Rafael Lastra   Rafael Lastra Icon_minitimeVie 28 Jun 2019, 17:19

Me da a mi que esta es la que realizo en cal. 12 donde Mazorriaa , con culata mas normal tipo Éibar .

Cuando le dije 4 cosas y lo de la anterior en Cal 28 , no le izo ni puta racia , pero yo no me muerdo la lenua .

Vere si consio información del BOPE sobre que paso con la del 12

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Mensajes : 2555
Fecha de inscripción : 06/12/2012

Rafael Lastra Empty
MensajeTema: Re: Rafael Lastra   Rafael Lastra Icon_minitimeVie 28 Jun 2019, 23:05

Hola Flo y Cooper, es la misma escopeta en calibre 28, solo que con pletinas enteras.
Como vereis en algunas de las fotos, paso el Bope el 2015.

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Mensajes : 2555
Fecha de inscripción : 06/12/2012

Rafael Lastra Empty
MensajeTema: Re: Rafael Lastra   Rafael Lastra Icon_minitimeVie 28 Jun 2019, 23:21

Bueno realmente, esta ultima escopeta tiene el nº 4 y la marca J.U (Jose Uriguen) El Reno, o sea Angel Mazorriaga.

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Mensajes : 2555
Fecha de inscripción : 06/12/2012

Rafael Lastra Empty
MensajeTema: Re: Rafael Lastra   Rafael Lastra Icon_minitimeVie 28 Jun 2019, 23:27

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Mensajes : 2555
Fecha de inscripción : 06/12/2012

Rafael Lastra Empty
MensajeTema: Re: Rafael Lastra   Rafael Lastra Icon_minitimeSáb 29 Jun 2019, 00:47

Y el video Very Happy

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Mensajes : 5664
Fecha de inscripción : 17/11/2012

Rafael Lastra Empty
MensajeTema: Re: Rafael Lastra   Rafael Lastra Icon_minitimeSáb 29 Jun 2019, 17:01

Pues parece que todo va orientado al mercado anglosajon, la web en inglés sin posibilidad de otros idiomas, el video idem de los mismo. Nomenterodenaaaaa. Rafael Lastra 846303139 Rafael Lastra 846303139 Rafael Lastra 846303139

Mientras mas practiques... mas suerte tendrás (Fred Bear).
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Mensajes : 2555
Fecha de inscripción : 06/12/2012

Rafael Lastra Empty
MensajeTema: Re: Rafael Lastra   Rafael Lastra Icon_minitimeMar 02 Jul 2019, 00:34

Enjarao escribió:
Pues parece que todo va orientado al mercado anglosajon, la web en inglés sin posibilidad de otros idiomas, el video idem de los mismo. Nomenterodenaaaaa. Rafael Lastra 846303139 Rafael Lastra 846303139 Rafael Lastra 846303139

Tienes la solicitud de patente totalmente en español y son 54 páginas.

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Contenido patrocinado

Rafael Lastra Empty
MensajeTema: Re: Rafael Lastra   Rafael Lastra Icon_minitime

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Rafael Lastra
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